Custom Marquee Signs No Minimum

Custom Marquee signs were first used in the cinemas. Nowadays, many other businesses such as restaurants, theaters, bars, and other businesses started using light-up marquee signs.
Знакови&Logo offers a few types of custom marquee signs. Whether you need light-up marquee letters for company branding or decorative lobby signs, you can find them all here. We offer vintage to contemporary marquee signs made of top-quality materials.

Брендови који нам верују

Знакови&Лого доследно пружа услуге које превазилазе клијенте’ Очекивања

Custom Soft Enamel Pins

Why Custom Marquee Signs?

Custom Marquee Signs provide a unique and eye-catching way to promote businesses, events, or personal celebrations. They add a retro touch and stand out from traditional signage. They can be customized to fit any style, size, and font, making them versatile and adaptable to any setting.

  • Various sizes available, from 18 inches to 5ft tall
  • Complete word customization, choose any letters
  • Choice of letter and bulb colors
  • Shapes can be customized, including your business logo
  • Multiple display options available, from wall-mounted signs to floor-standing.

Best Custom Marquee Signs Manufacturer in China

Знакови&Logo offers a wide range of high-quality marquee signs that are perfect for businesses, events, or personal celebrations. Our marquee signs come in sizes ranging from 18 inches to 5ft tall and can be customized to fit any style, size, and font. We use only the best materials to ensure durability and longevity, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering top-notch service and customer satisfaction.

Лако се ради са знаковима&Лого за ваше пројекте

Знакови&Лого ће вам пружити професионалну и сјајну услугу у сваком кораку

Why Choose Signs&Logo?

At Signs&Logo, we specialize in designing and producing custom signage that is tailored to your unique brand and needs for more than 15 years. Signs&Logo makes custom signage for different people from different industries with a wide range of styles and materials, including illuminated signs, 3D signs, metal signs, and more.
The experienced designers in Signs&Logo will work with you to create a customized design that reflects your brand’s personality and values with the latest technology and materials to ensure that your signage is of the highest quality and will last for years to come.

Срећне критике задовољних клијената

100% лојалност & Посвећеност Вашем пословању

“Ја сам дизајнер сигнализације из Велике Британије, прилагодио сам ознаке у Сигнаге&Лого од пре 5 година. Знакови&Лого је веома професионалан произвођач знакова у Кини. Веома сам срећан што радим са њима, Р&Д одељење ми обично даје професионалне савете о технологији како бих побољшао свој дизајн.”

Оливер, Дизајнер

“Купујемо спољне прилагођене сигнализације од Сигнса&Лого на дуже време. Знакови&Лого је један од наших главних добављача знакова за нас. веома смо срећни што радимо са њима, јер нам пружају конкурентну цену са производима одличног квалитета. За хитне пројекте, Знакови&Лого је увек први избор за нас.”

Бењамин, Извођачи радова

“Ја сам купац из студија за архитектонско пројектовање у Немачкој и задужен сам за куповину броја хотелских врата и АДА натписа. Без обзира колико је сложен дизајн сигнализације, Сигнс&Лого увек може да пронађе одговарајућу технологију обраде која ће ми помоћи да је реализујем. Веома сам им захвалан на подршци.”

Амелиа, Дизајн студио

Frequently Asked Questions

A marquee sign is a large illuminated display sign with movable letters or images that is commonly used for advertising, entertainment, and promotions. The sign is often made up of individual letters, numbers, or symbols that can be arranged to form different words and messages. Marquee signs were originally used outside theaters to advertise upcoming shows or movies, but they have now become a popular form of decoration and branding for businesses, events, and personal use.

Custom marquee signs are typically illuminated using LED bulbs, which are energy-efficient and long-lasting. The bulbs are strategically placed inside the letters or shapes of the sign, creating a vibrant and eye-catching display. Some custom marquee signs may also use traditional incandescent bulbs, but these are less common due to their higher energy consumption and shorter lifespan. Overall, LED bulbs are the preferred choice for illuminating custom marquee signs.
The materials used for making custom marquee signs can vary depending on the design and desired aesthetic. Typically, they are made of metal such as steel or aluminum for the structure, and acrylic or polycarbonate for the face of the sign. LED bulbs are often used for illumination, and wiring and transformers are used to power the sign. Some custom marquee signs may also incorporate wood or other materials for a unique look.
Yes, custom marquee signs can be used indoors. They are often used in interior branding, decorative lobby signs, and for personal celebrations such as weddings and birthday parties. The illuminated effect of the marquee signs creates a unique ambiance and adds a retro touch to any indoor space.
Light up marquee letters can come in various sizes ranging from small 12-inch letters to large 5-feet tall letters. The available sizes depend on the manufacturer or supplier and can be customized based on the customer’s needs and preferences.